Mian School

Caring and Providing

Telephone02 6884 8491


About our school

Mian school is located in Bultje Street Dubbo near the centre of the city. Students attending Mian School have had difficulties in achieving success in a mainstream setting and are generally disengaged from their education.

Mian school caters for 28 students. Classes are made up of students from years 5 to 9. Students access Mian School from primary and secondary schools in Dubbo, Narromine and Wellington. Mian School has a population of 85% Aboriginal students. The majority of students come from low socio economic backgrounds. 89% of students present with a diagnosed disability. Of the 89%, 75% have a primary disability of mental health and 25% of students present with a diagnosed intellectual disability. 

The Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) value in 2017 is 229 with the NSW average 100. Mian School’s FOEI value is amongst the highest 5 per cent of FOEI values (ie most disadvantaged) across NSW government schools.

The majority of students, evidenced through school based assessments, are at least two years behind their cohort in literacy and numeracy.

Each student at Mian school has a negotiated Individual Learning Support Plan. Students are provided with adjustments to cater for their individual learning needs.

Consultation with Parents /Carers and students is a high priority at Mian School. Students are actively encouraged to participate in their own education through involvement with programs provided by community groups and outside agencies. 

School vision statement

Mian School seeks to work with parents/carers and the community to provide a flexible, supportive environment in which students develop the capacity to become productive, respectful and responsible members of the community.

We strive to have our parents/carers, teachers and community members actively involved in our students’ learning.

Through its curriculum, Mian school tailors programs to address individual student learning needs.